HAZCHEM investigation

The 9 stages of an incident investigation

Dangerous incidents and near-misses involving hazardous chemicals happen every day at workplaces all over the world. Even if no-one is injured an incident investigation can help establish what happened and why. This information can then be used to prevent the incident from happening again or escalating into something more serious.

Our free eBook Key steps in a HAZCHEM incident investigation walks you through each of the nine stages in the investigation process, it was developed to help you review and refine your organisation’s incident investigation procedures. More specifically, if you read our eBook you will learn how to:

      • Secure a HAZCHEM incident scene, isolate chemical hazards and ensure notifiable incidents are properly documented.
      • Obtain incident reports, gather physical evidence and interview key witnesses.
      • Collate and evaluate all collected data to identify system failures and root causes.
      • Create an action plan with recommended corrective actions.

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